Wii Pointer #1 Tilt Normal







Canonical Information: The Deuteragonist to the creepypasta-based YouTube series Wii Deleted You. Employee working in-office at Nintendo of America. Described by other characters to be a socially isolated shut-in, the only way to learn about him through the rumors spread about him due to the fact he doesn't go out of his way to make personal connections (he does quite the opposite) and behaves somewhat erratically in public, making others not want to personally connect with him, either.

His contributions to the development of the company's newest console, the Wii, have been said to be overlooked or underappreciated- generally seeming very minimal. Despite this, Henry was able to get his hands on the first Wii (in the workplace, obviously), whereas he isolated himself in an empty office and drank alcohol while booting up the console. The most he was able to do was create his first Mii, ETELED, where he audibly announced as he made ETELED: "I've always wanted to be a Mii." After ETELED's creation was finalized on the console, Henry was suddenly electrocuted and killed- the electrocution managing to send his soul into the console, taking the form of his creatin, ETELED. He once again announces, "I've always wanted to be a Mii," and then asks the viewer, "Do you want to be a Mii?"

Prior to this, Henry had killed another coworker (very relevant to the story!), Austin. This was because Austin was working at Nintendo as an intern, and his efforts and pitches towards the companys creations (console and otherwise, as he pitched a game project that was taken into consideration) were very greatly admired. Henry, having never received Austin's level of appreciation for his contributions despite having worked with the company for far longer than Austin had. Because of the gap in experience, Henry became envious and killed him in the company's system control room (the area where employees would go the least). This death actually did the same thing to Austin it did to Henry- he was placed into a computer, where he began to browse the files & eventually create a digital-yet-physical body for himself, which he converts into a Mii. This character has the alias "Corrupted Mii" (which is intentionally shitty since he came up with that on the spot much later into the story).

Henry is completely oblivious to the fact that the man he killed is still technically alive, but Austin is fully aware of...essentially, his every move. Whenever Henry is creating ETELED, Austin is watching the entire time. Austin actually ends up being the one to kill Henry, as they both tripped over some sort of power cord at the same time- resulting in both of them being electrocuted, but given that Austin was already dead, he was completely unaffected, but Henry had ended up...fried!

To give a timeframe for these events: Austin's passing was days before Henry's. (This is made obvious in the series because whenever Austin dies, the interface of the Mii Maker isn't even finished- there was no body for the Mii, hence why he created his own.) Henry's passing was on November 18th, 2006. The day before the initial release of the Wii console, and one day short of Henry's birthday. Henry's body was found a few hours after he had passed, and security footage was released to the worker base. While multiple employees at Nintendo now began to turn in their resignation forms, the release of the Wii was not pushed back, and all the staff could do was hope that no one would retrieve the Wii with Henry's soul in it.

Henry was now in the same console that Austin was in. Given that Austin had made himself a physical form (which looks, completely different to his body before passing. It's meant to be a literal Mii), Henry didn't know it was him. Austin was watching the entire time, so he knew that ETELED was Henry. ETELED had woken up in a hospital "room" (more comaprable to a hallway, but you know what I mean) in a hospital gown, and after hardly any time of walking, him and Austin had bumped faces. Austin gave him a monologue, basically elaborating that he would begin to torture Henry while he was here as payback for killing him. Which, quite literally, he did. Henry was permanently trapped in the Wii. With nothing to do, he went to the Mii Maker and deleted himself out of curiosity. He regretted it, and quickly found that he ended up back in the hospital hallway, in that same hospital gown. It became progressively more and more painful to wake back up in the hospital hallway everytime he would spawn there, yet somehow he would never die.

Austin would continue to mess with Henry in the Wii. I never mentioned it, but Henry killed Austin with an axe. In the Wii, ETELED still has this axe (obviously it's just an asset), and is still able to hurt and kill other Mii's with it. It's important I mention this, because he does hurt other Mii's with it. Since the release of the Wii was never postponed, they still put the Wii Henry possessed for sale, since they needed as much stock of it as possible. Unfortunately, one of the workers (who had already filed for resignation) had gotten the Wii and given it to his son about two weeks after the Wii's release. The kids name is Kyle, the father's name is Johnathan. When Kyle turns on the Wii and goes to the Mii Maker, he sees ETELED. Being seven at this time, Kyle was scared by ETELED's presence. Kyle instantly goes to delete him, no matter how much ETELED speaks to him. After fussing with ETELED, he locks him out of the Mii Maker, giving him a notification that says "Wii Deleted You." This continues for a while, so Kyle is forced to play as ETELED- until a friend of his comes over. Kyle's friend, Nathan, wants to play the Wii, so Kyle hesitantly boots it up. When they boot it up and attempt to go to the Mii Maker, it works! Kyle's Mii is standing beside ETELED, and infront of the two children, ETELED kills his Mii, which results in Kyle completely abandoning the Wii for years, until he comes back to it only for a moment to learn about the hospital hallway- before it's eventually sold off to a thrift store.

Mind you, Kyle doesn't know anything about Austin's presence in the Wii. He never met Austin, or even heard his voice. Years later, a girl named Sam buys the Wii. She's completely fine with ETELED being on it. Kyle finds out about this, contacts her, and attempts to get the Wii back. (There's a lot of plot in between this, but it isn't really relevant to Henry's development. Mainly Sam's, but it does introduce Austin in this mix- so please mind that while Sam does not know who, where, or what Austin is, she has heard his voice.) Instead, Sam sets up a way for the two to speak to each other. She brings Kyle to his house, and allows ETELED to speak to Kyle. It results in an argument, where Austin finally decides to make himself known. He kidnaps Henry, and leaves the screen they were on (the Mii Maker) dark and blank. When Sam and Kyle are confused, he steps on screen, and addresses himself as the Corrupted Mii. He states his intentions to hurt Henry to the two of them as they start to fight again. While they're fighting amongst themselves, Austin has taken Henry to an electro-shock therapy room (he explicitly states prior to this that he has a morbid curiosity and strange liking to the use of electro-shock therapy), where he shocks him. The voltage consistently gets higher, progressively melting the Wii. Henry tries to contact Sam as this happen, to some avail, where he can answer a few of her questions before the Wii is fully melted from the inside out. As the interface of the Wii leaves, he puts one last letter on the screen in replacement of a blue screen- a letter addressed to Sam.

henry coded internet graphics

Fun Henry Facts:

  • Henry most likely received much more than 650 volts during his electro-shock therapy session, as Austin didn't know how much power the Wii could handle, but the therapy went on for so long it almost completely melted (the plastic cover hiding the innards was melting)
  • Henry canonically struggles with severe alcoholism
  • ETELED was created while Henry was under the influence, he wouldn't have made him as ugly (affectionate) as he is otherwise
  • He is depicted to suffer from Complex PTSD, anxiety, and depression in canon. He is very heavily implied to suffer with some form of psychosis (or at the very least psychotic symptoms), bipolar disorder, and avoidant personality disorder.
  • Henry has a brother who is mentioned very scarcely.
  • In an animation meme by the creator of the series, Henry is depicted self-harming. Whether this is canon or not is up for debate, as he is never stated to self harm in any canonical entries to the series.
  • His mother was stated to treat him kindly, while his father was severely abusive. His mother was too depressed to take care of him due to this.
  • Henry was initially intended to die by suicide, slitting both of his wrists. The creators mother disapproved.
  • He is good at cooking.
  • Unironically, Henry is a fan of country music. This is only because it sucks.
  • Henry suffers from Diagraphephobia.
  • ^ Is also depicted to have a fear of the dark.
  • While he does have a fire axe in real life, ETELED's axe comes from a background storage room for "emergencies only."
  • This axe is the cause of the Corrupted Mii's scar.
  • One of ETELED's other nicknames (which is much less relevant) is "Little Mii."
  • The official ETELED plush can now go up to hundreds of dollars through resellers.

Non-Canonical Information (Headcanons): Henry is a transneutral gay bear in my mind. I cannot see that man being skinny, I think he has a dad bod more than anything. His stomach hangs that's for sure. He has more facial hair than just the cartoony three-stick-stubble (like, sideburns, mustache, the whole nine yards) but he tries not to let it grow out. He doesn't shave it, he just trims it, and he doesn't really use lotion so it usually feels very hoarse. I do think he's 'AFAB' (intersex tbh), but I don't think he would have gotten top surgery. He's very fond of guns. Because I think he's intersex, obviously his testosterone levels would be unstable. This makes him sweat more often, especially in his palms, so I think his axe would have a little handle grip on it that he made himself to prevent it from falling out of his hands. I also think his axe is, while durable, pretty dull, and has multiple scratchmarks/full on dents in the blade (yet he still uses it pretty efficiently). He's narcoleptic and licks salt too because I give him my mildly annoying ailments if we go down then we go down together. I also think he's autistic because I'm right and I win

For his personality, he's displayed to be very...not inherently bipolar in canon, but he has very strong emotions and he experiences them very strangely. I think, overall, he's not an inherently aggressive person, but is very blunt and rather than expressing what he feels in social situations- anxiety/overstimulation- he starts to get snarkier and snarkier/progressively more hard to talk to intentionally, so the other person will disengage from the conversation & he doesn't have to himself. Basically, he self-sabotages very commonly and doesn't really mean to do it- it just comes out as a learned habit from a negative childhood and generally being upbrought with a distaste for relationships, even if they aren't romantic.

Outside of my selfship with Henry and SULLAVAN, I do ship Henry and Austin and see them as a sort of cat-and-mouse dynamic, like Tom and Jerry. They just go back and forth taunting each toher, yet they still have their somewhat-fond-of-each-other moments that are...very obviously romantic. (I know this is a complete diversion from canon & that their relationship in canon is bad. I do not intend for this to follow canon, even- I just enjoy enemies to lovers.)







Hello There! As told by the relatively small summary above, my name is Norman! I'm 15 years old, and I use he/him pronouns. Despite this, I am not a man! I am a trans woman and a butch lesbian, who has been married to my wife since 2019. I'm autistic, antisocial and avoidant, and sufer from severe schizoaffective. I have been a victim of hikikomori since 2018, and while I do hope to change this in the future, I am very comfortable with my life and where I am! I am an objectum individual (the intimate attraction to inatimate objects), and I am very fond of technology- especially handheld game consoles and computer CPUs! I spend a lot of my time developing games, drawing new characters (and also old ones), consuming more media, watching adult swim, listening to music, smoking weed, and kissing my wife. That's basically all my day is composed of, actually...

A Handful Of Fun Facts! My birthday is July 16th! My zodiac sign is Cancer! I'm 5'5 (pretty tall in my standards)! I collect trinkets for fun (figures, furbies, posters, vinyls, CDs, computers, etc.) and love sailing the digital seven seas! I smoke weed. :P While I've not been into WDY for very long (I've hardly even mentioned it this entire paragraph), I have been attached to Henry for a few months now! The hyperfixation has gotten bad enough, I felt like it would make me feel a bit better to make a shrine (not necessarily just dedicated to Henry, but the series as a whole). My wife is the one who introduced me to WDY, which is why I think it's so special to me! It's something that my wife introduced me too and we still bond over, and I hold that fact very close to my heart.

Despite being transfem, I take testosterone, and have been since November 2023! I suffer from narcolepsy, and my sleep schedule is genuine dog shit because of it. I have fallen into a 3 day coma because of it (this is when i was very young and my mother did infact help me i swear to god im alright). The art I used for the autobiography picture is my selfship OC with Henry, SULLAVAN (hence the pseudonym). If you'd like to learn more about him, ummm...stay tuned. ;-)

There's a lot more that I could write here. There's a lot more that I actually really WANT to write here, but for organization's sake, I'll stop yapping... if you'd like to learn more about me, do explore the rest of the website! The HORDE section contains all of my interests, the SHRINE section contains my love for my F/Os, the JOURNAL is self explanatory, and the GALLERY are pictures that are important to me!